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 18th Century Treen Plates

Vinegar Grained Treenware Covered Sugar Container


Peaseware Paint Decorated Covered Sugar

Peaseware Painted Sugar Bowls
 Circa Mid 19th Century
Blue Sugar Bowl           
Green Sugar Bowl




Peaseware Covered Container,
Exceptional Ash Burl Mortar with Maple Burl Pestle

18th C. Northeastern Elm Burl Bowl

Ash Burl Pitcher


Fine 19th C. Tiger Maple Scoop


Mid 19th C. Turned Ink Sanders - Rosewood and Lignum Vitae

Peaseware Urns, c. 1880's
Lignum Vitae Dresser Box


Inlaid Treen Cups

 Lignum Vitae & LV Burl Footed Cup 
3-1/2" High


Fantastic Maple Treen Deep Dish or Individual Trencher,  c. 1680-1720



Paint decorated Treen Footed Cup

Fabulous Carved and Paint Decorated Mortar and Pestle with Stylized Tulips.  Wonderful Treen!

Exceptional and Exceptionally Large Burl Mortar



Walnut "Oyster" Burl Tea Caddy, c. 1825

Magnificent Native American Elm Burl Treen Bowl

Bark Covered Tree Mortar and Pestle, Hardwood, Lignum Vitae.  Rare Form with Bark intact

Classic Footed Peaseware Urn with Cover



Sponge Decorated Treen Egg Cups

Ash Burl Mortar


Maple Burl Mortar with Black Ash Pestle



Northeastern Woodlands Indian Tiger Maple Paddle or Scoop. c.1830-50

Native American Burl Belt Cup or Dipper


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