Our Guarantee! Please be assured that all items purchased from us come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Because of the nature of the items we sell, we make every effort to provide accurate and thorough descriptions on each item. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it for a full credit, minus shipping. If you wish to make a return, please let us know within three days of receipt and prior to shipping it back to us. All items must be insured and returned in the exact condition as when shipped. Shipping is not refundable. Shipping charges will be based on our nearest estimate of the actual cost or actual cost. There is never a handling fee. Layaways are available with no extra charge to the buyer. Layaway terms are usually a 1/3 down payment, 1/3 the next month, and the final 1/3 the third month, but other terms can be arranged to accommodate the buyer. All layaway payments are NON-REFUNDABLE. The item will not be shipped until payment has been made in full. Our aim is to make your purchase a satisfying experience. If you're happy . . . so are we!  Click on the Ferret to Email us Register your collecting Interests with us HERE