This & That goes Here and There... There's no telling where we will go with this, but we hope you'll come along with us. We plan to use this space to share with you our observations with regard to the world of Antiques . . . specific observations from the "Cat Bird Seat", maybe a joke or two, but most of all, a sharing with our friends who love Antiques as much as we do. Check this out often as you never know when the motivation will come or opportunity to share. This part of our site may take a bit longer to get "up and running" but we hope it will be timely and enjoyable to all. It is our intent to utilize the New Additions category to notify everyone of the new items in inventory. In and out . . . Just like a cold shower :-) Eventually these items will be priced and take their place in their proper category or will be removed to one of the remote locations where we exhibit. As a special note to those of you who visit our website regularly, we will publish our Ad for the next month's issue in MAD approximately 1 week before the paper is sent out. Our deadline is the first Wednesday of the month so the ad will be put up on the Website at that time. This is an advantage for those who don't get their paper as soon as others do and then find the items have sold before they had a chance at them. So, stay tuned, and remember . . . A COLLECTOR IS NOT SPENDING HIS MONEY . . . HE IS MERELY TRANSFERRING HIS ASSETS! Click on the Ferret to Email us Register your collecting Interests with us HERE