Multicolored Slip Decorated Redware Plate
| Redware Cup with Manganese Splotches | RARE Redware Tart Plate |
Redware Jug with Manganese Splotches | Extremely RARE Pennsylvania Redware Cake Pot, ex: Samaha |
 Redware Jar with inverted slip decoration
| Redware Stew Pot |
Inlaid Agate Mocha Pitcher on a Redware Body | Redware Wide Mouthed Jar with Blue Tulip RARE! | Signed A. Wilcox, West Bloomfield, NY Covered Redware Jar
Maine Ovoid Redware Jug with fabulous drippy glaze in green and brown |  Two RARE Redware Grease Lamps with the most wonderful multicolor glaze, c. 1725 |  Redware Jar with Olive Green Glaze with Yellow/Green Drips. |
|  Ovoid Redware Jar - Bristol County, Massachusetts, C. 1780 - 1800 Height 8 inches |
 Spectacular Slip Decorate Mixing Bowl with the name "EVA", Circa 1700-1800. A real knockout in excellent condition! | Click here to see more Redware |