Wonderful Rabbitware! We currently have RABBITWARE Tankards available in at least five different patterns . . . The Running Rabbits with the Virginia Center . . . Adams-Type Rose with and without the fence and trees . . . and Bullseye without the Frog, to name a few. All are in excellent condition and are priced at $2800.00 each. All of the tankards are 5 1/2" tall. *~*~*~*~ From our Collection of Rabbitware we are pleased to offer these Cider Mugs with the Rabbits playing Cricket. These are a true rarity in the world of Rabbitware. We have 6. They are 4-1/2" tall and in high outstanding condition! The transfers are crisp and clear and the borders include the Virginia pattern in two versions. $4000.00 each  *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ The Oval Platter has the Bullseye Border.  The Chop Plate, with the Virginia Border has an in-the-making glazed over nick on the rim that needs to be mentioned for the sake of accuracy. Both display beautifully! Each are priced at $1950. *~*~*~*~ We currently have 1 Roadster Plate in mint condition for $3400.00, and one with an excellent, prof. repair for $2900.00. We also have Cricket in the Sporting Series ($1900.00). *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~ We also have several other of the plain Rabbitware Plates featuring the Bullseye as well as the Virginia pattern. They are priced at $565.00 each. In addition we have a plate with the Rabbits running around the border. There are several small areas where there are some glaze skips (white areas in the flowers) but the overall condition is excellent. A bargain at $525.00! Questions? Ask the Ferret!