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The history of the potting industry in New England is comprised of many small potteries that filled the needs and tastes of the settlements that were still in the pioneer stage well into the 19th century and Redware was in demand long after its manufacture had virtually ceased elsewhere, having given way to stoneware. In New England, the potters worked out of necessity and their time was occupied in making utilitarian vessels. They had little opportunity or desire to decorate their wares as did the Pennsylvania Germans as the need for useful objects was greater than the urge to decorate them. The inherent beauty in New England redware is in its simplicity, functionality, lustrous glazes, soft colors and shapes of good proportion. As Watkins states in Early New England Potters and Their Wares, New England Redware is "Earthy by its very nature, with its suggestion of soil, leaves, and trees, it captures the essence of the early potter's environment. That its beauty is largely accidental makes it no less lovable: its variations are like the changes of Nature herself, never ending, ever yielding fresh enjoyment. It is truly an expression of simple people . . . men almost without conscious thought of art. Like them their pottery is strong, direct, stripped of pretense and foolish ornamentation. It was created to fill a demand, and incidentally, to please those who came to buy."

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Redware Apple Butter Pot, Gonic, New Hampshire

Maine Redware Wax Canning Jar

Ovoid Redware Jug, Safford Pottery, Monmouth, Maine


Bulbous Redware Jug, Safford, Maine





Apple Butter Pot, Gonic, New Hampshire


 Redware Jar with Yellow Glaze and Manganese Splotches



Straight-sided Maine Storage Jar



Rare Redware Porringer,
Likely Shenandoah Valley, Possibly Bell, c.1800


Exceedingly Rare Redware Rundlet, Barrel Form, Scarcely Encountered Large Size
Likely Western New York, Early to Mid-19th Century

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